Sep 4Liked by Josh Link

Couldn’t agree more with this assessment of the collaboration between Ribic & Hickman. Ultimates was the best comic on the stands that was unfortunately swallowed by the tsunami of the New 52. It’s still a work I revisit and love how so many ideas started there make their way into Hickman’s Avengers but their collaboration on Secret Wars still stands out as one of the definitive work (until now!). I love that you call out the personal character moments being the key and Esad’s character work is impeccable. We all remember character over spectacle. The moment that always stuck with me was Ben Grimm realizing Franklin is Sue’s son and refusing to fight him then being destroyed. The essence of the character boiled down to a single action and moment.

Regarding, Avengers vs Aliens, I was excited but i think this quote summarizes my immediate reaction "Having now read the first issue, I realize that I did not elevate my expectations high enough.". An absolute masterclass in world building and setting the stage while deeply understanding these character’s. Absolutely loved the first issue.

My one dream is marvel will release the eventual collected edition in an album size hardcover. Similar to Dodson & fraction’s Adventureman. Esad’s art deserves to be read on a larger canvas.

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I would love to see an oversized edition!

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