Magneto is one of my favourite characters, thanks in part to reading X-Men in the order it was intended-- skipping everything before Claremont, then picking up the UK reprint issues around the time the Joseph stuff was happening (when I was old enough to pick up monthly comics myself).

The white costume absolutely slaps, and the Bachalo helmet always looks good. I have a minor verisimilitude issue with him looking that ripped at that age with that consistency, but Mutant Alpha, Fabian Cortez, all sorts of genetic to-ing and thro-ing, I have no issue really. Those arms though.


Ambient Magnetic Fields. Magneto was right. "You have new gods now." "And so the Seat of Loss takes command." The Hour of Magneto.

A legend.

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It's maybe his most commonly overlooked costume. Very much of its time, but I have a soft spot for it, not least as it represented the character trying to walk a better path.

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What about the magenta jumpsuit with white gloves, boots and belt and red cape from his time with the X-Men in the 1980s?

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Huge omission on my part. Should have had his deep V on the list.

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Perhaps the closes thing you've written to a Vogue article.

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I won’t go full Vogue until I do one on Emma Frost’s outfits.

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